Backyard Brawl

Für Wakeboarder sind die Niederlande ein Paradies für Windsurfer. Etwa ein Fünftel des Landes ist von Flüssen, Seen, Dämmen, Deichen und Kanälen bedeckt, und die Städte sind wie städtische Deltas.
Wakeboarders sliding underneath and jumping over a large statue in the middle of a big pond in the Netherlands.
Wakeboarder performing a wall slide on an urban structure, showcasing style and creativity.
Two wakeboarders walking under a bridge ready to go for a winch session somewhere in the Netherlands.

- Lisa Baloo

Wakeboarder sliding a rail in urban environment when holding on to a winch.
Wakeboarder sliding a rail under a bridge in an urban environment, pulled forward by a winch.
X-ray image of a broken hand, injured during a winch session in the Netherlands after a hard crash.

- Ryan Peacock

Wakeboarder successfully sliding across a boulevard in the middle of a park in the Netherlands.
Two wakeboarders scoping out their slide spot under a graffiti-covered bridge, preparing for a session.
Wakeboarder sliding a rail in the middle of a park in The Hague, pulled by a winch for an urban session.

– Maxim van Helvoort

Wakeboarder pulling his winch into position under a massive highway viaduct, preparing for an urban session.