Floripa, Brazil – Battling the Unexpected

Mystic Spring / Summer 2023 ist jetzt erschienen. Mit den üblichen Verdächtigen, ein paar neuen Gesichtern, einer frischen Ausstattung und einer unerwarteten Wendung der Ereignisse in Brasilien.
Kitesurfer executing big unhooked trick of a wave.
Kitesurfer walking towards the sea while carrying his kite by hand.

A group of people sits atop a coastal hill, looking out at the ocean, spotting the perfect waves to surf.
A kitesurfer carves a massive wave on a directional board, executing a powerful turn at the top, sending a huge spray of water into the air.
group of people standing on top of a hill chatting.
Two surfers in the water cheering and toasting their cans, celebrating a great session.
Kitesurfer performing a massive unhooked trick off a wave, showcasing style and power.