Wiederentdeckung eines unserer absoluten Lieblingskonzepte: Oswald Smith präsentiert sein neuestes, von der Wildrose inspiriertes Gurtzeug. Das schwarz-rote Kunstwerk hinter diesem Hardshell verkörpert die Essenz uneingeschränkter Schönheit und ermöglicht es dir, deine eigenen kreativen Grenzen zu setzen. Mit den gleichen Eigenschaften wie das Majestic
ist dies Ozzie's Gurtzeug für völlige Bewegungsfreiheit, dank des hochmodernen Bionic Core Frame, der mit einer Roving Glasfaserplatte abgerundet wird. Mit seinen weichen Neoprenkanten, Knitflex und Fix-Schaum umhüllt dich das OS-Taillen-Trapez mit Komfort und ermöglicht es dir, dein Bestes zu geben, egal ob du Freestyling oder Wellenreiten betreibst.
Produktcode: 35003.240195
Über die Technologie
- Bionic Core Frame
- Fix Foam
- Soft neoprene edges
- Flexcovers with locking mechanism
- Integrated safety knife pocket
- Battle belt
- Adaptive leash eye 2.0 included
- Suitable for: Stealth bar / Ace bar
- Artist series
- Developed with Oswald Smith
- Roven composite

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Bionic Core Frame
The Bionic Core Frame is stiff in the horizontal direction, but is still able to twist and follow your body. The carbon composite enhances the stiffness for the most extreme conditions.
Fix Foam
This foam is molded to adjust perfectly to your lower body and give maximum comfort while riding.
Soft neoprene edges
Soft neoprene prevents rash while riding on bare skin against the edges of the harness, and also creates a closer more comfortable fit.
Flexcovers with locking mechanism
The flexcover is designed to store your excessive webbing, which would otherwise flap about during your session. Behind the cover there is a hidden knife pocket to get you out of any gnarly situation.
Battle belt
The Battle Belt not only secures your harness, but also facilitates an easy closure of your spreaderbar. It also serves as the initial point of adjusting the tightness of your waist harness.
Integrated safety knife pocket
Behind the cover there is a hidden knife pocket to get you out of any gnarly situation.
Adaptive leash eye 2.0 included
Safety first! With the adaptive leash eye you can attach your safety leash to the front webbing of your harness, which is the safest position since it is always within reach when things go south.Bionic Core Frame
Fix Foam
Soft neoprene edges
Flexcovers with locking mechanism
Battle belt
Integrated safety knife pocket
Adaptive leash eye 2.0 included

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